Isabella Tiger Moth (caterpillar) – 10/10/24

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 10/10/24 Observation Time: 1:00 p.m. Observation Location: near Ward’s Berry Farm Common Name: Isabella Tiger Moth caterpillar (a.k.a. banded wooly bear) Scientific Name: Pyrrharctia isabella Comments:  Isabella tiger moths overwinter as caterpillars before pupating in spring and subsequently emerging as adult moths. The caterpillars are somewhat tolerant to short-term freezing periods in which the entire caterpillar is frozen and then […]

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Black Bear – 10/5/24

Observer: Emma Smith Observation Date: 10/5/24 Observation Time: night Observation Location: Off Wolomolopoag near Chase Dr. & E. Foxboro St. Common Name: American Black Bear Scientific Name: Ursus Americanus Comments: Multiple black bear sightings have been reported in Sharon over the past few years. It could be the same individual. Black bears are not normally aggressive unless their cubs are threatened, but they can run considerably […]

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Black Bear – 10/3/24

Observer: Leonid Fofanov Observation Date: 10/3/24 Observation Time: night Observation Location: Agawam Rd. near Chase Dr. Common Name: American Black Bear Scientific Name: Ursus Americanus Comments: Multiple black bear sightings have been reported in Sharon over the past few years. It could be the same individual. Black bears are not normally aggressive unless their cubs are threatened, but they can run considerably faster than an Olympic […]

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Pink-Spotted Lady Beetle – 9/28/24

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 9/29/24 Observation Time: 4:00 p.m. Observation Location: Ward’s Berry Farm Common Name: Pink-Spotted Lady Beetle Scientific Name: Coleomegilla maculata Comments: The pink-spotted lady beetle feeds on the eggs of several moths that eat corn crops, so perhaps it was no coincidence that I enountered this one near a corn field at Ward’s Berry Farm. The pink-spotted lady beetle can eat around […]

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Marbled Orbweaver Spider – 9/28/24

Observer: John Baur Observation Date: 9/28/24 Observation Time: 3:00 p.m. Observation Location: Borderland State Park Common Name: Marbled Orbweaver Spider Scientific Name: Araneus marmoreus var. marmoreus Comments: Brightly colored marbled orbweaver spiderwebs are found in trees, shrubs and tall weeds, and grasses in moist, wooded settings and can frequently be found along the banks of streams. The webs are oriented vertically and have a “signal” […]

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Timber Rattlesnake – 9/28/24

Observer: Elizabeth James Observation Date: 9/28/24 Observation Time: afternoon Observation Location: Bishop Road Common Name: Timber Rattlesnake Scientific Name: Crotalus horridus Comments: These mild-mannered, venomous, and very rare snakes are listed as endangered in Massachusetts. Please help protect them by maintaining a safe distance. That should not be hard to do, given that rattlesnakes give fair warning before they strike. This one was gently removed […]

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Marbled Orbweaver Spider – 9/24/24

Observer: Josh Simons Observation Date: 9/24/24 Observation Time: 7:00 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill area Common Name: Marbled Orbweaver Spider Scientific Name: Araneus marmoreus var. marmoreus Comments: Brightly colored marbled orbweaver spiderwebs are found in trees, shrubs and tall weeds, and grasses in moist, wooded settings and can frequently be found along the banks of streams. The webs are oriented vertically and have a “signal” […]

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Belted Kingfisher – 9/23/24

Observer: Lauren Kilmer Observation Date: 9/23/24 Observation Time: 2:03 p.m. Observation Location: Borderland State Park (Morse Loop Cedar Swamp)  Common Name: Belted Kingfisher Scientific Name: Megaceryle alcyon Comments: First heard the bird calls, confirmed it with Merlin Bird app, then saw two kingfishers flying low on the southeast portion of the swamp. More Information: All About Birds

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Short-tailed Weasel – 7/21/24

Observer: Faith Berkland Observation Date: 7/21/24 Observation Time: N/A Observation Location: 302 Mansfield St. Common Name: Short-tailed Weasel Scientific Name: Mustela erminea Comments: White undersides (as opposed to cream-colored), white feet, and small size differentiate short-tailed weasels from long-tailed weasels. Mink are all brown. Short-tailed weasels are also known as a stoats. In winter, they turn all white with a black-tipped tail, and are called […]

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Polyphemus Moth – 7/20/24

Observer: Josh Simons Observation Date: 7/20/24 Observation Time: 2:00 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Common Name:  Polyphemus Moth Scientific Name: Antheraea polyphemus Comments: The polyphemus moth is a North American member of the family Saturnidae, the giant silk moths. More Information: Wikipedia

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Barred Owl – 7/6/24

Observer: Bruce Lewis Observation Date: 7/6/24 Observation Time: 5:00 p.m. Observation Location: Top of the bend on Moose Hill Street Common Name: Barred Owl Scientific Name: Strix varia Comments: This is the first owl I’ve seen in three years. More Information: All About Birds

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Yellow-billed Cuckoo – 7/2/14

Observer: Bruce Lewis Observation Date: 7/2/24 Observation Time: 5:00 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Yellow-billed Cuckoo Scientific Name: Coccyzus americanus Comments: I heard the yellow-billed cuckoo as I was standing at the beginning of the Billings path but the bird was deep in the woods. I recorded its song with my cell phone and then I edited the recording by […]

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Pale Green Weevil – 6/23/24

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 6/23/24 Observation Time: 1:20 p.m. Observation Location: Borderland State park Common Name: Pale Green Weevil Scientific Name: Polydrusus impressifrons Comments: This brilliant metallic-green broad-nosed weevil joined us at a picnic table at Borderland State Park. Weevils are a type of beetle whose mouths are adapted to sucking juices from leaves and other plant parts. More Information: University of Minnesota

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Ringneck Snake – 6/11/24

Observer: Anna Baur Observation Date: 6/11/24 Observation Time: 4:00 pm Observation Location: Old Wolomolopoag Street Common Name: Ringneck Snake Scientific Name: Diadophis punctatus Comments: Ringneck snakes prefer moist woodlands as their habitat. This is also habitat for an important prey item, redback salamanders. Although salamanders make up the bulk of their diet, ringnecks will also feed on earthworms, insects and, on occasion, fish. As relatively […]

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Brown Creeper – 6/9/24

Observer: Barry Dulong Observation Date: 6/9/24 Observation Time: 5:30 p.m. Observation Location: Forest Trail, Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Brown Creeper Scientific Name: Certhia americana Comments: I was approximately 1/3rd down trail when I heard call. I was not familiar with call so I opened Merlin. It identified the call as a Brown Creeper. I looked for 10 minutes until I saw it. Very […]

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Black Bear – 6/5/24

Observer: Steven Kraus Observation Date: 6/5/24 Observation Time: 4:00 a.m. Observation Location: Arboro Dr. Common Name: American Black Bear Scientific Name: Ursus Americanus Comments: Multiple black bear sightings have been reported in Sharon over the past few years. It could be the same individual. Black bears are not normally aggressive unless their cubs are threatened, but they can run considerably faster than an Olympic sprinter and […]

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Spicebush Swallowtail – 6/4/24

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 6/4/24 Observation Time: 1:00 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Farm (T.T.O.R.) Common Name: Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly Scientific Name: Papilio troilus Comments: I saw this spicebush swallowtail butterfly feeding on a flowering beauty bush beside the driveway leading into Moose Hill Farm. Spicebush swallowtail butterflies are similar to black swallowtail butterflies. Spicebush swallowtails have a marking that looks like a comet […]

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Indigo Bunting – 6/4/24

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 6/24/24 Observation Time: 11:50 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon WIldlife Sanctuary Common Name: Indigo Bunting Scientific Name: Passerina cyanea Comments: Indigo buntings are actually black; the diffraction of light through their feathers makes them look blue. This explains why males can appear as various hues from turquoise to black. Indigo buntings are more common now than when the pilgrims first […]

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Acadian Flycatcher – 6/2/24

Observer: Barry Dulong Observation Date: 6/2/24 Observation Time: 10:30 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Acadian flycatcher Scientific Name: Empidonax virescens Comments: Picked up call on Merlin. Easy to spot chasing flying insects. More Information: All About Birds (The attached photo comes from the internet)

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Red-tailed Hawk – 5/23/24

Observer: Bruce Lewis Observation Date: 5/23/24 Observation Time: N/A Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary, Billings Loop Common Name: Red-tailed Hawk Scientific Name: Buteo jamaicensis Comments: Mammals make up the bulk of most red-tailed hawk meals. Frequent victims include voles, mice, wood rats, rabbits, snowshoe hares, jackrabbits, and ground squirrels. The hawks also eat birds, including pheasants, bobwhite, starlings, and blackbirds; as well as snakes […]

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Eastern Box Turtle – 5/22/24

Observer: David Dearborn Observation Date: 5/22/24 Observation Time: 9:35 a.m. Observation Location: 104 Mountain St. Common Name: Eastern Box Turtle Scientific Name: Terrapene carolina  Comments: Spotted this Eastern Box Turtle checking out our cellar window this morning. The little guy was moving pretty quickly, it seemed, for a turtle, walking towards our back yard, headed who knows where but in the direction of Sucker Brook which […]

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Common Yellowthroat – 5/9/24

Observer: Joe Blansfield Observation Date: 5/9/24 Observation Time: 12:30 p.m. Observation Location: Bay Road, Sharon (on the deck) Common Name: Common Yellowthroat Scientific Name: Geoothlypis trichas Comments: This guy crashed into my sliding glass door as I was reading the paper. He was temporarily stunned, but he recovered and went on his merry way! Common yellowthroats are typically found in or near wetlands. They are a type […]

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Gray Fox – 5/7/24

Observer: Josh Simons Observation Date: 5/7/24 Observation Time: 1:00 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Parkway Common Name: Gray Fox Scientific Name: Urocyon cinereoargenteus Comments: One of two passing through the yard… The gray fox has rounded ears, a dark-tipped tail and hooked claws. Unlike a red fox, the gray fox can climb, and will occasionally forage for food or rest in a tree. The gray fox’s ability […]

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Great Crested Flycatcher – 5/7/24

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 5/7/24 Observation Time: 9:00 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Great Crested flycatcher Scientific Name: Myiarchus crinitus Comments: The great-crested flycatcher has a pale yellow breast. The underside of its tail is reddish brown. The memory hook I use to remember its call is “weep, weep, weep.” More Information: All About Birds

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Common Yellowthroat – 5/7/24

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 5/7/24 Observation Time: 9:00 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary (boardwalk) Common Name: Common Yellowthroat Scientific Name: Geoothlypis trichas Comments: Common yellowthroats are typically found in or near wetlands. They are a type of warbler, with a distinctive black mask that is reminiscent of a raccoon. Their song sounds like, “witchety, witchety, witchety.” More Information: All About Birds

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