Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/24/24 Observation Time: 8:45 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Carolina Wren Scientific Name: Thryothorus ludovicianus Comments: The Carolina Wren is sensitive to cold weather, with the northern populations decreasing markedly after severe winters. Global warming might be responsible for the northward range expansion seen in the late-1900s and early 2000’s. A pair bond may form between a […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/21/24 Observation Time: 7:30 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Eastern Towhee (male) Scientific Name: Pipilo erythrophthalmus Comments: Towhees are common birds in Sharon, especially along edges between woods and open fields, but they are heard more than seen. The male’s song sounds like he’s singing, “Drink your tea.” They are sometimes seen scratching among dead leaves […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/23/24 Observation Time: 11:00 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Eastern Bluebird Scientific Name: Sialia sialis Comments: In 1972, DDT was banned (note that bluebirds eat insects), and in 1973, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act. Bluebirds were listed as a Species of Special Concern in several states. In 1973, the Camp Fire Girls began Project Save […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/23/24 Observation Time: 10:00 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Common Grackle Scientific Name: Quiscalus quiscula Comments: Grackles are irridescent in the sunlight. More Information: All About Birds
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/23/24 Observation Time: 9:45 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Song Sparrow Scientific Name: Melospiza melodia Comments: Song sparrows have a distinctive dark spot on their breast. This individual seems to have injured one of its left toes. There are at least 18 species of sparrows in Massachusetts. Learning their respective calls is a good way […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/23/24 Observation Time: 9:30 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Chipping Sparrow Scientific Name: Spizella passerina Comments: Chipping sparrows are common in Sharon. They have a distinctive reddish cap above a white eyeline. Their song is described as a reedy trill that sounds a lot like the songs of the pine warbler and the junco. More Information: All About […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/23/24 Observation Time: 9:00 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Black-capped Chickadee Scientific Name: Poecile atricapillus Comments: Chickadees are one of Sharon’s most common birds. This pair was making a nest in a hollow tree. More Information: All About Birds Chickadees often travel in groups that sometimes include tufted titmice. With patience, chickadees can be trained […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/23/24 Observation Time: 7:45 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Northern Waterthrush Scientific Name: Parkesia noveboracensis Comments: The northern waterthrush is actually a type of warbler. It looks a lot like an ovenbird, which is also a type of warbler. This one was seen along the boardwalk through the wetlands at Moose Hill. More Information: All About Birds
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/23/24 Observation Time: 7:30 am Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Tree Swallow Scientific Name: Tachycineta bicolor Comments: Tree swallows compete with bluebirds for nesting boxes. More Information: All About Birds
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/21/24 Observation Time: 1:30 Observation Location: telephone pole by Beach Street near Sharon High School Common Name: Broad-winged hawk Scientific Name: Buteo platypterus Comments: A small, stocky raptor with black-and-white bands on the tail, the Broad-winged Hawk is a bird of the forest interior and can be hard to see during the nesting season. Its call is a piercing, two-parted […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/21/24 Observation Time: 10 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Red Squirrel Scientific Name: Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Comments: Red squirrels can be easily distinguished from other North American tree squirrels by their smaller size, territorial behavior, and reddish fur with a white underbelly. Red squirrels are somewhat larger than chipmunks and lack chipmunks’ distinctive stripes. More Information: Wikipedia
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/21/24 Observation Time: 9:00 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Pileated Woodpecker Scientific Name: Dryocopus pileatus Comments: You will improve your chances of sighting one of these magnificent birds by learning their calls and the sound of their drumming, which is different from that of other smaller woodpeckers. More Information: Audubon Guide to N. American Birds
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/21/24 Observation Time: 8:10 am Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Ruby-crowned Kinglet Scientific Name: Corthylio calendula Comments: Ruby-crowned kinglets are tiny – even smaller than chickadees. They migrate through Sharon in spring en route to nesting areas in northern New England and Canada. More Information: All About Birds
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/21/24 Observation Time: 7:30 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Eastern Towhee (male) Scientific Name: Pipilo erythrophthalmus Comments: Towhees are common birds in Sharon, especially along edges between woods and open fields, but they are heard more than seen. The male’s song sounds like he’s singing, “Drink your tea.” They are sometimes seen scratching among dead leaves […]
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Observer: Faith Berkland Observation Date: 4/20/24 Observation Time: 9:45 a.m. Observation Location: 302 Mansfield St., Sharon Common Name: Mink Scientific Name: Neovison vison Comments: Mink are semi-aquatic. They eat crayfish, small frogs and fish, along with small mammals such as shrews, rabbits, mice, and muskrats. They also prey on ducks and other water fowl. The mink I saw ran across my back yard. I am […]
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Observer: Rob Observation Date: 4/17/24 Observation Time: 11:35 pm Observation Location: back yard on Norwood Street Common Name: American Black Bear Scientific Name: Ursus Americanus Comments: Black bears are hungry when they emerge from hibernation in spring, and there is not much to eat in the natural environment. That’s why it is important to secure bird feeders and garbage cans. Interactions between humans and bears often […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 3/12/24 Observation Time: 5 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Wild Turkey Scientific Name: Meleagris gallopavo Comments: Wild turkeys are often seen near the headquarters building of the Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary. They glean bird seed that spills from the bird feeders onto the ground. More Information: All About Birds
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 1/25/24 Observation Time: 11:15 a.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Rd. Common Name: Red-shouldered Hawk Scientific Name: Buteo lineatus Comments: I was on a phone call when this juvenile red-shouldered hawk swooped in and landed just outside my window. I grabbed my camera with my free hand and snapped this photo. More Information: All About Birds
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Observer: Faith Berkland Observation Date: 11/25/23 Observation Time: 3:10 pm Observation Location: 302 Mansfield Street Sharon, MA Common Name: Golden-crowned Kinglet Scientific Name: Regulus satrapa Comments: Had camera but wasn’t close enough to get a good shot. Golden-crowned Kinglets are boldly marked with a black eyebrow stripe and flashy lemon-yellow crest. A good look can require some patience, as they spend much of their time […]
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Observer: Marshall Katler Observation Date: 9/26/23 Observation Time: 1:00 p.m. Observation Location: Mansfield St. Common Name: Marbled Orbweaver Spider Scientific Name: Araneus marmoreus var. marmoreus Comments: Although usually found in woodland, this one was found on the side of a house. It is most likely a male. More Information: Wikipedia
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 8/26/23 Observation Time: 4:10 p.m. Observation Location: my back yard (Gavins Pond Road) Common Name: Red-headed Bush Cricket (a.k.a. Handsome Trig) Scientific Name: Phyllopalpus pulchellus Comments: I had never seen one of these before I spotted this one on the wall of my house, but apparently they are pretty common. It has really long antennae and strange-lloking mouth parts that look […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 8/11/23 Observation Time: 4:20 p.m. Observation Location: 4 Gavins Pond Road Common Name: Snowberry Clearwing Moth Scientific Name: Hemaris diffinis Comments: This one was feeding on butterfly bush in my back yard (a ruby-throated hummingbird was feeding there at the same time). Large, sometimes feathery antennae are more typical of moths than butterflies. More information: Butterflies and Moths of North America
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 8/11/23 Observation Time: 10:30 a.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Rd. (my back yard) Common Name: Red-spotted Admiral butterfly Scientific Name: Limenitis arthemis astyanax Comments: The red-spotted purple butterfly is the same species as the white admiral butterfly. It is a North American species in the genus Limenitis. It has been studied for its evolution of mimicry, and for the several stable […]
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Observer: Rene & David Dearborn Observation Date: 8/10/23 Observation Time: Observation Location: 104 Mountain St. Common Name: Eastern Box Turtle Scientific Name: Terrapene carolina Comments: Box turtles are a Species of Special Concern in Massachusetts. A Species of Special Concern is any species of plant or animal which has been documented by biological research and inventory to have suffered a decline that could threaten the species […]
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Observer: Bruce Lewis Observation Date: 8/10/23 Observation Time: 4:00 pm Observation Location: Near the intersection of Moose Hill st and Walpole st. In the section of the woods bordering the street and just outside the field where Wards Berry Farm grows crops. Common Name: Black Racer Scientific Name: Coluber constrictor Comments: Reptiles are cold-blooded so they warm themselves by basking. This black racer was seen sunning itself […]
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