Sightings – Grasshoppers & Crickets
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 9/12/09
Observation Time: 11:15 a.m.
Observation Location: Gavins Pond Dam
Common Name: Carolina Locust
Scientific Name: Dissosteira carolina
Comments: Diagnostic pronotum ridge is clearly visible in the photo.
More Information:
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 8/26/19
Observation Time: 1:30 p.m.
Observation Location: my back yard (Gavins Pond Road)
Common Name: Fall Field Cricket
Scientific Name: Gryllus pennsylvanicus
Comments: All field crickets are able to make the universally recognizable cricket, “chirping” sounds. Males, though, are able to make the loudest and most noticeable sounds. The chirping is generated by the movement of “scrapers” found on the edge of the left forewing across a row of teeth-like structures located on the underside of the right forewing. The male field cricket generates a three note, highly trilled song which is answered by a more simplified, two note female song. The rate of chirping is directly influenced by temperature. Counting the number of chirps a male field cricket makes in 13 seconds, and then adding 40 to that number generates an approximate index of the environmental temperature (in degrees Fahrenheit).
I spotted this common insect while mowing the lawn.
More Information: The Virtual Nature Trail at Penn State New Kensington
Observer: Richard Mandell
Observation Date: 8/15/16
Observation Time: N/A
Observation Location: Mountain Street
Common Name: Katydid
Scientific Name: Microcentrum rhombifolium
Comments: You might recognize the sounds in this recording of katydids chirping in late summer:
More Information: Wikipedia
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 8/26/23
Observation Time: 4:10 p.m.
Observation Location: my back yard (Gavins Pond Road)
Common Name: Red-headed Bush Cricket (a.k.a. Handsome Trig)
Scientific Name: Phyllopalpus pulchellus
Comments: I had never seen one of these before I spotted this one on the wall of my house, but apparently they are pretty common. It has really long antennae and strange-lloking mouth parts that look a little like boxing gloves.
More Information: Jungle Dragon and Bug Eric
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 8/13/20
Observation Time: 1:52 p.m.
Observation Location: Mountain St.
Common Name: Tree Cricket
Scientific Name: Oecanthus spp.
Comments: The tree cricket is also known as poor man’s thermometer, because if you count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and add 37 you get the temperature close to the Fahrenheit temperature outdoors.
More Information: Wikipedia
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 9/26/12
Observation Time: 1:35 p.m.
Observation Location: Gavins Pond Road (bridge near soccer fields)
Common Name: Tree Cricket
Scientific Name: Oecanthus spp.
Comments: The tree cricket is also known as poor man’s thermometer. It is because if you count the number of chirps in 15 seconds and add 37 you get the temperature close to the Fahrenheit temperature outdoors.
More Information: Wikipedia
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 8/11/13
Observation Time: 4:45 p.m.
Observation Location: Gavins Pond Dam
Common Name: Two-striped Grasshopper
Scientific Name: Melanoplus bivittatus
Comments: This grasshopper is named for the two stripes that run down its back. It is a common agricultural pest.
More Information: Wikipedia