Red-tailed Hawk – 5/23/24
Observer: Bruce Lewis
Observation Date: 5/23/24
Observation Time: N/A
Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary, Billings Loop
Common Name: Red-tailed Hawk
Scientific Name: Buteo jamaicensis
Comments: Mammals make up the bulk of most red-tailed hawk meals. Frequent victims include voles, mice, wood rats, rabbits, snowshoe hares, jackrabbits, and ground squirrels. The hawks also eat birds, including pheasants, bobwhite, starlings, and blackbirds; as well as snakes and carrion. Individual prey items can weigh anywhere from less than an ounce to more than 5 pounds.
Check out the short video below to see a red-tailed hawk that caught and killed a big snake at Moose Hill.
More Information: All About Birds