Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – 5/30/23

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 5/30/23 Observation Time: 10:15 a.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Rd. (appeared on the desk in my living room!) Common Name: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (adult) Scientific Name: Halyomorpha Halys Comments: Stink bugs molt several times before reaching maturity. Each phase is referred to as an instar. More Information: Featured Creatures

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Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – 11/11/21

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 11/11/21 Observation Time: 2:10 p.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Rd. (my back yard) Common Name: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (adult) Scientific Name: Halyomorpha Halys Comments: Stink bugs molt several times before reaching maturity. Each phase is referred to as an instar. More Information: Featured Creatures

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Spittlebug – 6/9/20

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 6/9/20 Observation Time: 1:50 p.m. Observation Location: beside soccer parking area on Gavins Pond Rd Common Name: Spittlebug Scientific Name: Philaenus spumarius Comments: Spittlebugs are known for the frothy spittle mass they produce while feeding on plants. More Information: University of Minnesota Extension

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Brown Marmorated Stink Bug – 8/31/18

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 8/31/18 Observation Time: 4:10 p.m. Observation Location: Borderland State Park Common Name: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (4th instar) Scientific Name: Halyomorpha Halys Comments: Stink bugs molt several times before reaching maturity. Each phase is referred to as an instar. More Information: Wikipedia

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Snow Flea – 1/11/17

Observer: Kathy  Farrell Observation Date: January 11, 2017 Observation Time: N/A Observation Location: my back yard Common Name: Snow Flea Scientific Name: Hypogastrura harveyi or Hypogastrura nivicol Comments: At close examination, perhaps in melting snow around the base of a tree, tiny black flecks might be found sprinkled in the snow. They probably look like bits of dirt at first glance, but they are actually tiny soil […]

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Cicada – 8/13/16

Observer: Josh Simons Observation Date: 8/13/2016 Observation TIme: 3:00 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill area Common Name: Cicada (a.k.a. Dogday Cicada) Scientific Name: Neotibicen canicularis Comments: One genus, the periodical cicadas, spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years. The unusual duration and timing of their emergence may reduce the number of cicadas lost to predation, both by making them a […]

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Northern Walkingstick – 8/7/15

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 8/7/15 Observation Time: 5:10 p.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond area Common Name: Northern Walkingstick Scientific Name: Diapheromera femorata Comments: This harmless insect uses its bizarre body shape to blend in to the foliage and avoid detection by potential predators. More Information: Bugguide

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Spined Soldier Bug (nymph) – 7/4/13

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 7/4/13 Observation Time: 8:45 a.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Dam Common Name: Spined Soldier Bug (nymph) Scientific Name: Podisus maculiventris Comments: Spined soldier bugs are small predatory stink bugs. They molt several times before reaching maturity. Each phase is referred to as an instar. This one was in the third “instar”. More Information: University of Florida

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Leaf-Footed Bug – 4/28/12

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 4/28/12 Observation Time: 2:00 p.m. Observation Location: 4 Gavins Pond Road Common Name: Leaf-footed bug Scientific Name: Acanthocephala terminalis Comments: The leaf-shaped hind legs give this bug its name. More Information: See:

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Jagged Ambush Bug – 8/11/13

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 8/11/13 Observation Time: 4:50 p.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Dam Common Name: Jagged Ambush Bug Scientific Name: Phymata americana Comments: This small insect (1/2″ in length) turns out to be predatory. It waits in flowers to ambush prey that are sometimes larger than itself. This one was found among goldenrod blossoms. More Information: or NatureSearch

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Green Stink Bug nymph – 9/16/11

Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 9/16/11 Observation Time: 2:30 p.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond dam Common Name: Green Stink Bug nymph Scientific Name: Acrosternum hilare Comments: This striking green stink bug nymph caught my eye as it sat on a rosa rugosa leaf by the pond. The adults are solid green. I spotted the green stink bug nymph because of its bold, contrasty coloration. Perhaps the reason for […]

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