Raspberry Slime Mold – 6/23/19

Observer: Paul Lauenstein

Observation Date: 6/23/19

Observation Time: 12:32 p.m.

Observation Location: Billings Loop Botanical Trail

Common Name: Rasberry Slime Mold

Scientific Name: Amoebozoa

Comments: Slime molds are in the phylum Amoebozoa, and are related to amoeba. Slime molds are aggregates of single-celled organisms that can grow up to 9 feet long! Slime molds typically aggregate to form a plasmodium — a multinucleate mass of undifferentiated cells that may move in an ameboid-like fashion during the search for nutrients. Slime molds are examples of cellular communication and differentiation, and may provide insights into how multicellular organisms develop.

More Information: I Love Slime Molds and So Should You

On the intelligence of slime molds: https://wyss.harvard.edu/news/thinking-without-a-brain/