Garlic Mustard – 4/27/24
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 4/27/24
Observation Time: 4:30 p.m.
Observation Location: Moose Hill Farm (The Trustees of Reservations)
Common Name: Garlic mustard
Scientific Name: Alliaria petiolata
Comments: Garlic Mustard is a biennial. First year plants are a rosette of 3 to 4 round, scallop edged leaves. In second year the plant reaches height of 2 to 3 feet.
Leaves on bolting stems are triangular with large teeth. Flowers are white.
Introduced to North America in the 1860s as a culinary herb, garlic mustard is now a significant problem in woodlands of eastern United States.
More Information: Iowa State University Extension & Outreach