Our Peach Tree

by Kurt Buermann   Some years ago on a whim we purchased a small peach tree (Prunus persica) from Ward’s Berry Farm in Sharon. Peach trees are venerable. Despite the name persica, or Persian, indications are they were cultivated six thousand years ago in China. Peaches were a smash hit. They spread along the Silk Road trade route into Europe and thence to the Americas. […]

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Town Meeting Protects Gavins Pond Land

The Town Meeting article seeking to permanently protect the Gavins Pond Land as conservation land passed by more than a two-thirds vote last May. Thank you to all who helped and supported! After Town Meetings rejected three attempts to place additional soccer fields on the land  surrounding Gavins Pond, the conservation community in a warrant article for May 2017 Town Meeting asked the Selectmen to […]

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A car powered by sunshine

Our family purchased a Chevy Volt LT, a plug-in hybrid car with a gasoline generator that greatly extends its range. A plug-in hybrid car differs from an ordinary hybrid car in that its battery, in addition to being charged by gasoline, can be charged by plugging it into an electrical outlet. Most plug-in hybrids can go only about 25 miles on a charge before switching to gasoline. The […]

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Preserving the Gavins Pond land

Preserving the Gavins Pond Land As you may know, there have been repeated attempts in the past few years to place additional soccer fields on the land surrounding Gavins Pond.  Town Meeting voters rejected all of them. It surely is time for the Selectmen to take these opinions into account. A warrant article for May 2017 Town Meeting asks the Selectmen to formalize the permanent […]

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Sometimes trail hikers would like to take a break and find a place to picnic. We’ve posted a list of picnic table locations in Sharon on our Trails page. Please take a look.

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Sharon Community Gardens

by Jan Adler In a corner of the Deborah Sampson recreation area are the Sharon community garden plots, where some eighty families grow flowers and vegetables for their tables, as they’ve been doing for the past four decades. As soon as the Town purchased the 59-acre Sacred Heart property in 1974, requests came to the Selectmen from residents to use the buildings and grounds for […]

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