Eastern Bluebird – 5/5/24
Observer: Jean Zaniewski
Observation Date: 5/5/24
Observation Time: 3:15 p.m.
Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary near the barn on the Billings loop
Common Name: Eastern Bluebird
Scientific Name: Sialia sialis
Comments: I am a new bluebird monitor this year (through Friends Of Conservation). After stealthily checking a dozen boxes once a week since March, I was really thrilled on May 5 to finally see bluebirds nesting in two of the boxes, and that they tolerated a brief phone camera documentation.
In 1972, DDT was banned (note that bluebirds eat insects), and in 1973, Congress passed the Endangered Species Act. Bluebirds were listed as a Species of Special Concern in several states.
In 1973, the Camp Fire Girls began Project Save the Bluebirds. Projects like this instilled a greater love and respect for living things and an understanding of the serious problems faced by wildlife. Since then, various Boy Scout, Girl Scout, and 4-H Clubs have also organized bluebird projects.
For more on the history of bluebirds, see: https://www.sialis.org/history.htm
The Sharon Friends of Conservation maintains about 30 bluebird nesting boxes aound town. Volunteers monitor the nesting activity of the bluebirds, tree swallows, chickadees, and other birds that nest in them. Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary also maintains numerous bluebird nesting boxes. Thanks to efforts like these, bluebirds are once again easy to find in Sharon, if you know when and where to look.
More Information: All About Birds