Sightings – Butterflies & Moths
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 10/18/12
Observation Time: 2:15 p.m.
Observation Location: 4 Gavins Pond Road (front yard)
Common Name: American Copper Butterfly
Scientific Name: Lycaena phlaeas
Comments: This small but colorful butterfly can be seen all summer and into the fall.
More Information: Butterflies and Moths
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 5/12/12
Observation Time: 6:00 p.m.
Observation Location: Furnace St. under high tension wires
Common Name: American Copper Butterfly
Scientific Name: Lycaena phlaeas
Comments: This individual was chasing another to mate.
More Information: Butterflies and Moths
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 5/21/14
Observation Time: 1:20 p.m.
Observation Location: field near Gavins Pond dam
Common Name: American Copper Butterfly
Scientific Name: Lycaena phlaeas
Comments: Like many small butterflies, the American copper
is a stunning sight when viewed up close.
More Information: Butterflies and Moths
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 10/5/12
Observation Time: 3:55 p.m.
Observation Location: 4 Gavins Pond Road
Common Name: American Lady Butterfly
Scientific Name: Vanessa virginiensis
Comments: This American Lady butterfly was feeding on Nippon daisies blooming in our garden. There was also a Painted Lady butterfly, which looks very similar, but has four small spots on the undersides of its trailing wings instead of the American Lady’s two large ones.
More Information: BugGuide
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 5/12/12
Observation Time: 6:15 p.m.
Observation Location: Gavins Pond Road near Well #5
Common Name: American Lady Butterfly
Scientific Name: Vanessa virginiensis
Comments: American lady butterflies (V. virginiensis) have two large eyespots on the underside of the hind wing, whereas similar-looking painted lady butterflies (V. cardui) have four small eyespots. This individual was feeding on a flowering shrub.
More Information: See Butterflies and Moths of North America.
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 5/26/19
Observation Time: 1:15 p.m.
Observation Location: Moose Hill Farm (formerly the Kendall Estate)
Common Name: American Lady butterfly
Scientific Name: Vanessa virginiensis
Comments: American Lady butterflies look a lot like Painted Lady butterflies. The American Lady has two large spots on the undersides of its trailing wings. The Painted Lady has four smaller spots instead. This Amerian Lady was visiting a mud puddle, but it flew off before I could get a better photo.
More Information: BugGuide
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 5/27/19
Observation Time: 5:20 p.m.
Observation Location: under the high tension wires across the street from Ward’s Berry Farm
Common Name: American Lady butterfly
Scientific Name: Vanessa virginiensis
Comments: American Lady butterflies look a lot like Painted Lady butterflies. The American Lady has two large spots on the undersides of its trailing wings. The Painted Lady has four smaller spots instead. This Amerian Lady was visiting a mud puddle, but it flew off before I could get a better photo.
More Information: Butterflies and Moths of North America
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 6/24/11
Observation Time: 2:15 p.m.
Observation Location: Gavins Pond
Common Name: American Lady Butterfly
Scientific Name: Vanessa virginiensis
Comments: American Lady butterflies have two distinctive eyespots on the brown underside of the lower wings. The upper sides of the wings are orange and black.
More Information: See:
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 7/11/15
Observation Time: 2:35 p.m.
Observation Location: Gavins Pond
Common Name: American Lady butterfly
Scientific Name: Vanessa virginiensis
Comments: American Lady butterflies look a lot like Painted Lady butterflies. The American Lady has two large spots on the undersides of its trailing wings. The Painted Lady has four smaller spots instead. This Amerian Lady was feeding on a spotted knapweed blossom.
More Information: BugGuide
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 8/18/20
Observation Time: 11:40 a.m.
Observation Location: Moose Hill Farm (formerly the Kendall Estate)
Common Name: American Lady butterfly
Scientific Name: Vanessa virginiensis
Comments: American Lady butterflies look a lot like Painted Lady butterflies. The American Lady has two large spots on the undersides of its trailing wings. The Painted Lady has four smaller spots instead. This Amerian Lady was feeding on a blossom of a Joe Pye weed.
More Information: Butterflies and Moths of North America