Norway Maple tree – 5/29/24
Observer: Paul Lauenstein
Observation Date: 5/29/24
Observation Time: 12:20 p.m.
Observation Location: High Street, Sharon
Common Name: Norway Maple tree
Scientific Name: Acer Platanoides
Comments: The Norway maple is native to eastern and central Europe and western Asia, from France east to Russia, north to southern Scandinavia and southeast to northern Iran. It was brought to North America in the mid-1700s as a shade tree. It is quite common in Sharon, and puts on a beautiful display in fall when its leaves turn yellow.
Like sugar maples, Norway maples can be tapped in late winter. Boiling down the sap produces a sweet, delicious maple syrup. It takes about 30 quarts of sap to produce one quart of syrup.
More Information: Wikipedia