Beaver Brook Trail
The Beaver Brook Trail was established in 2007 after several years of planning. SFOC member Rita Corey worked with Greg Meister of the Sharon Conservation Commission and Denny Nackoney of the Bay Circuit Trail Alliance to route and mark out the trail, which runs northward from Farnham Road for about one mile to the southwestern end of the Sharon train station. It is a convenient in-town trail and also forms an important link in the Bay Circuit Trail, a 200-mile "emerald necklace" walking corridor running from Ipswich to Duxbury. The Beaver Brook Trail was completed in 2007 by Sharon's Troop 95 Boy Scouts, the Sharon Conservation Commission, and the Sharon Friends of Conservation. Its completion was capped by the installation of the Beaver Brook Bridge.
Beaver Brook Trail Hike Videos
Beaver Brook Trail part 1
Beaver Brook Trail part 2
Beaver Brook Trail part 3
Beaver Brook Trail part 4
Beaver Brook Trail part 5
Beaver Brook Footbridge
Sharon Friends of Conservation installed this 27 foot long footbridge December 8, 2007. Besides giving safer access to Sharon’s new Beaver Brook trail, it provides a link in the 200 mile-long “emerald necklace” Bay Circuit trail. For their help in building the bridge, SFOC wishes to thank the Sharon Conservation Commission, the Sharon Department of Public Works, Fields Pond Foundation (grant), the Bay Circuit Trail Alliance, Sharon’s Barney & Carey Lumber Co. (materials) as well as the dedicated team of SFOC members, Boy Scouts, and trail users who helped assemble the bridge at the site. Read more about the new Beaver Brook Footbridge…
Beaver Brook Trail Map
The new Beaver Brook Trail runs from the west side (in-bound parking lot) of the Sharon train station to the Farnham Road dump area. (Click to view larger version)
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