Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 5/12/11 Observation Time: 8:15 a.m. Observation Location: meadow near Gavins Pond dam Common Name: Bird’s Foot Violet Scientific Name: Viola pedata Comments: The leaves of this pretty wildflower are reminiscent of bird’s feet. Not a common violet locally, only one site in Blue Hills. Likes dry sandy soils; has also been spotted in woods north of Knollwood Cemetery in Sharon. More Information: US Wildflowers […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 10/3/10 Observation Time: 9:10 a.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Road Common Name: Yellow Toadflax (a.k.a. Common Toadflax) Scientific Name: Linaria vulgaris Comments: Also known as butter and eggs plant or wild snapdragon, this invasive perennial weed from Eurasia thrives in poor soil where there is little competition from larger plants. More Information: Wikipedia
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 7/11/10 Observation Time: 9:45 a.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Road Common Name: Common Mullein Scientific Name: Verbascum thapsus Comments: Mullein is widely used for herbal remedies, with well-established emollient and astringent properties. Mullein remedies are especially recommended for coughs and related problems, but also used in topical applications against a variety of skin problems. The plant has also been used to […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 7/7/10 Observation Time: 7:05 a.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Road near soccer fields Common Name: Chicory Scientific Name: Cichorium intybus Comments: A perennial herb with blue, lavender, or occasionally white flowers, chicory grows as a wild plant on roadsides in its native Europe, and in North America and Australia, where it has become naturalized. Common chicory is also known as […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 6/27/10 Observation Time: 8:15 p.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Road-soccer parking area Common Name: Spotted knapweed Scientific Name: Centaurea maculosa Comments: Knapweed is a pioneer species found in recently disturbed sites or openings. Once it has been established at a disturbed site, it continues to spread into the surrounding habitat. This species outcompetes natives through at least three methods: A tap […]
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 6/4/10 Observation Time: 12:10 p.m. Observation Location: Gavins Pond Road soccer field parking lot Common Name: Red clover Scientific Name: Trifolium pratense Comments: It is widely grown as a fodder crop, valued for its nitrogen fixation, which increases soil fertility. For these reasons, it is used as a green manure crop. More Information: Wikipedia
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Observer: Paul Lauenstein Observation Date: 5/30/10 Observation Time: 4:10 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Iris (harlequin blueflag) Scientific Name: Iris versicolor Comments: The species has been implicated in several poisoning cases of humans and animals who consumed the rhizomes, which have been found to contain a glycoside, iridin. The sap can cause dermatitis in susceptible individuals. More Information: The Flower […]
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Observer: Peter Higgins Observation Date: 10/17/08 Observation Time: 5:00 p.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Farm (Trustees of Reservations) Common Name: Milkweed Scientific Name: Asclepias syriaca Comments: Milkweed is an important food source for butterflies, moths and other insect species. It has been decimated by the application of glyphosate herbicide (a.k.a. Roundup) on vast fields of corn and soybeans that have been genetically modified to tolerate […]
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Observer: Peter Higgins Observation Date: 06/08/08 Observation Time: 6:55 a.m. Observation Location: Moose Hill Audubon Wildlife Sanctuary Common Name: Blue Flag Iris Scientific Name: Iris versicolor Comments: This beautiful group of wild blue flag iris was growing in the field near the boardwalk. More Information:
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